Guys, it's so obvious who the mom is now!! xDDDDD
Towa: こんな濁った水飲んだら、腹こわすでしょが!
Jaken:こんな濁った水飲んだら、お腹こわすだろーがバカ者っっ!:D :D :D :D :D
They've been telling us all along Uwu LMAO

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Small shaded sketch gift for . She is an amazing person I should say and sincerely hope that you like my gift <3 If you like monsters I would recommend ya to watch her.
Characters belong to (Onii Jaken and Tanuki Goyoku)
Art - Me.

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Sesshomaru being because the one human he cares about (aka Rin) is not there... so he doesn’t give a damn 😅😰😱 - poor Jaken though 🤣🤣

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This little Demon here called "Jaken" protected and took care of Rin like his own "daughter" when she was a child.

16 140

Sesshomaru, Rin, and Jaken!
Chibi commission for my dearest friend 😊❤

8 36

do it for her

(ele.os belongs to @/thejakeneutron)

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Towa squeezing Takechiyo is like Rin and Jaken. Oh and that's how do I bond with my cat.

15 90

now i just have to finish the jaken that goes with this~

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[Inuyasha] Sesshoumaru, Rin and Jaken!
Will be making this a sticker along with my sessrin print set next week 😊💖

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Acabo de encontrarme a este autor y bastante bien a nivel artístico, cuando pueda leeré sus obras que por lo que parece tiene 2, no sé si alguien las tradujo pero os dejo los nombres.
邪剣さんはすぐブレる Jakensan wa Sugu Bureru
しのびがたき Shinobi gataki

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Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi preciosa a la que quiero mucho por estar siempre ahí porque es maravillosa y es que FELICIDADES MI AMOR ❤️

Te regalo un lindo dibujo de la preciosa Rin, un Jaken stalker y un Sesshi oculto feat mi primera tarta ❤️

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jaken for page of (wands) arrows !!
first of three cards i did for ! we still have 20 days left in our campaign so please be sure to check out our kickstarter !!

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2016 Jakeneutron was Smokey Quartz for Halloween lmao

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All board the fluffy train >u<
The idea of flying with Sessomaru isn't so bad at all, I drew this upon hearing my OTP is almost canon in the sequel ^q^ Hail Rumiko sensei!

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Jaken but make him human-ish...

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Grandfather Jaken is such a fool. Lin will follow Lord Sesshomaru all my life.

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jaken: sesshomaru sama has long been in search of somtin called 'power'. he'll probably become the greatest demon of all time, and reign over his empire.

me: he'll propose you to marry him when you old enough. and rin, you'll have beautiful twins daughter 💜💜💜

13 62

get you someone that looks at you the way jaken looks at sesshomaru

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