

98 309

Sesshōmaru 🤍

( long white hair is just 🥰 for me)

0 0

I liked it better when it was a skech. well, i'll do better next time. maybe 🥹

29 84


En este San Valentín, Rin y Sesshōmaru tuvieron una cita algo lluviosa☔, pero eso no impide que sea perfecta🌈

No importa el clima, para él siempre es un buen momento para mirar a su bella y sonriente esposa😍💖

92 294

My first drawing this year :) ❤️🥹 I would like to draw more this year to improve.

42 154

De los que tienes puestos me quedo con zoro, pero si puedo decir uno : sesshōmaru 😳

0 1


The homie killed this Sesshōmaru inspired piece 🔥 Easily a personal grail. Thank you fam! ➕➖

15 31

"I promised to protect you forever." ❤️

93 352


6 22

My two fav comfort characters and 5 tags!

Mira from Dimension W

Sesshōmaru from Inuyasha

5 tags:

1 7

I saw someone draw sessrin's son, so ill post this that i've been keep for many weeks.

(I just think that black hair might be good for him because he's momma boy)(๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧

7 35

Aaaahhh no puedo con esta belleza ♥️ definitivamente pertenece a la realeza, hasta las ias lo saben

47 254

Mami Rumiko aprueba la escena íntima de Shiina y se siente feliz de que nosotros nos alegraremos por ella ♥️ sin duda no se equivoca


18 116

Finally, it's done🥰 commission for @/malicioussociety ❤️
This will be available as a print in their website!
After so long, I finally drew Sesshōmaru omg🧎🏻


44 140