Coraline is an American stop-motion animated horror film written and directed by Henry Selick and based on Neil Gaiman's novella. Coraline and The Doll fanart cartoon cursor.

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"I find myself wondering about humanity. Their attitude to my sister's gift is so strange. Why do they fear the sunless lands? It is as natural to die as it is to be born. But they fear her. Dread her. Feebly they attempt to placate her."

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Dream of The Endless, based on The Sandman Comics by Neil Gaiman. I am so eagerly awaiting the netflix adaptation, I just hope they don’t alter the storyline too much

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New watercolor Death print from On sale at at booth A199!!🖤🖤🖤#yienyip

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New PRINT of 's Death of offered here:
Pre-sale price of $25 for this week.
With donation to charity & shelter in
Original art & European shipping of prints here:

78 319

I need to be done, like...NOW. It has been far too long since I've seen my friends.

4 27

You can find PRINTS of my work, like the prints & the original art to them at
& prints & ORIGINAL here:

61 427