Introducing the ever elusive Lotloak, one of the Legendary Datafighters. It grows plant life wherever it goes, but its existence is shrouded in mystery, said to have been sighted only a few times throughout history

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Since this is a special day, I will show you the finest chilled out Pyro-type, Alligrillar! It now has updated artwork, with actual color!

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Mock up of my battle system for a project without name, story or anything. Well... it have monsters!

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Iiiit's Jabbertock!!!

Arcane and Wind type.

Combining fairy tale creatures is fun, so took the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland and mashed in some jabberwocky

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Whoooo's thaaat Grimmlin?!?

My community is too good at guessing and I wanna win. So no hints!

All grimmlins are based on a fairy tale/nursery rhyme. Can you guess which one this is going to be from?

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Sunny is a generally happy girl who likes to help as many people as she can, especially her aunt. The Armird she is paired with is quite the opposite however, often being stubborn and refusing to do anything.

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Iiiit's Vampale!

There was an old version of the Snow White called as Snow, Glass, Apples where she was an undead vampire! And thus we have this a death and ice type.

inspired by and and

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Introducing a man-made Datafighter, Shephetrol (Metal/Electric-type)! It is equipped with many parts that allows it to aid in stopping crime. It was made due to rise in Datafighter related crimes.

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When Labwatt entered the real world, bugs in its systems manifested into a brand new species of Datafighter, Buglitch. Whenever it is near electronics for too long, it starts bugging them out!

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Iiit's Fasteady!!!

So it's slow and steady... but fast at the same time???

That's okay it doesn't need to make sense! That's why it's both the fastest type (electric) and the slowest type (earth)

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Introducing... Pugafume! A Datafighter that has been terrorizing the Outset Isles for awhile now! You can't hide from it, it will always find you... All I can say is, poisson d’avril

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Anybody else love those twinkling anime eyes?

Celebrating Hanskettle's reveal the other day, here is its done by . The portrait art and some aspects of the design itself was done by !

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Iiiiiit's Hanskettle!!!

Charm and Fire type inspired by Hansel and Gretel!

Are they actually warm, gooey sweethearts? Or is all the candy and sweetness just a lure to pull you in?

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Look at my baby boy making a splash in his step form 💖💖💖
Thanks for the sweet step form art

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This one is one of my favorites!!! Thank you for your sweet Especially for this one of Marrownette!

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Stingray Monster & Tentacles Monster⁠
Flashes Available! 15x14cm!⁠
Email for appointments :⁠⁠

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