Official Jill's images from Resident Evil (#バイオハザード) Clan Master

I just love this style: Jill is so tough and cute like original one :3
Wish I could play it in my country (it's available only in Japan)

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Jill wore a coat and a mask with voice modulator 'cause Albert was aware Jill's well known as BSAA founder and he didn't want she could be found by BSAA soldiers.
Infact Josh immediately recognizes her as well as Doug does

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(7/8) experiment for immortality for Spencer mentioned in Lost in Nightmares in RE5 (that Alex was doing experiments on an island before disappearing), where she took the test subjects & left. The weird BOW who can't die is here, who Alex did sadistic tests & had BOWs fight each

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Jill's T-virus infection wasn't cured with vaccine:it only got on dormant state probably cause of NE-Alpha parasite's influence.
8 years later,during cryogenic sleep,she managed to make powerful antibodies against T-virus

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VERY unpopular opinion:
RE is my fav serie ever since childhood,I'm overattached to it and,somehow,I enjoyed all chapters BUT RE saga plot ended with
This game put an epilogue about RE main story started with and it's a truly good ending

That's all

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祝🎉 記念🎊

理想の はこんな城娘🎵

最優秀賞のデザインを基に 先生が描き下ろし🖌
CV さんで として実装‼


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RE5 reaper CUNT
RE5 reaper RACIST
RE5 reaper TANKED
RE5 reaper BORING

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The most iconic RE file "Keeper's Diary" features in too as easter egg

Last page shows "4" without any apparent meaning:that's because for Japan lore,4 reminds Death word so it sounds creepy

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Chris and Jill have always worked together since STARS times so I really can't get why Capcom separated them since RE6 after RE5 plot which is focused about Jill and Chris' partner bond😐

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Jill in MarvelVSCapcom saga

She's the first character from RE serie who appears in cross over titles

I love Fighting games so I do adore play as my dear Jill in this saga too

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They have passed 12 years since Jill's last appearance about timeline (2009-RE5) despite she's one of the most iconic female character in videogames world since 1996.
It's so disrespectful for her and us hardcore fans for over 25 years

I will be always waiting for her...

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