Angel: *gives Unikitty a carrot*

Unikitty: *eats it and is skinny again* Ta-da!

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Unikitty: *gasps at what her huge burp did* ...Well, at least it came out of the attic and not the basement... hint hint...

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*until, her tummy makes a strange sound*

Unikitty: O-Ohh...

Angel: That should do it.

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Unikitty: How do you do it?

Angel: Easy. Open wide, Princess!

Lachlan: (If only he’d say that to me.)

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Unikitty: Really?

Angel: Mama Fluttershy eats too much as well and I always make her feel better!

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Unikitty: Who are they?

Firio: The Elementals, a group of destructive beings. I ditched them to use my fire power for good, like you do with yours, Unikitty.

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Unikitty: If you represent the element of fire... does that mean there are-

Gusty: Others?

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Unikitty: That “Firio” guy still has me wondering...

Firio: *appears in a flame* You called?

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Yona: Yona out of control..!! *she was rolling right towards the two cats*

Kion: Heyvi Kabisa!

Unikitty: Kion, look out! *gently pushes Kion into Smolder’s arms, taking the heavy bullet*

Yona: *crashes right onto her* Whooaa... Yona dizzy...

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*one snore sounded like a ROAR and Unikitty just lost it*

Unikitty: AAAAHHH!!! *she flies faster than she knew she could*

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Gallus: That’s our brave kitty!

*suddenly, this music starts playing*

Unikitty: Gah!! Huh?! ...Oh, heeheehee, very funny, Yona! Turning the jukebox on!

Yona: Uh... scary music not coming from jukebox! Jukebox not even here!

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Unikitty: Y-You mean... LOOK for ghosts?! *turns away* No way, no how! Uh-uh! Nope!

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Unikitty: *gasps* What if they come for me next?! *whimpering meow* We have to get out of here-

Smolder: *grabs Unikitty’s shoulders in a hug* Unikitty, calm down, there’s no ghosts.

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Unikitty: Yeah it was!

Dr Fox: Ta-da! One spaceship fixed and operational!

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Unikitty: Oh no! You’re not hurt, are you??

Lachlan: No, but I feel like a flat tyre right now.

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