Skulk Spotlight: Fabian Tuñon Benzo
Artist and illustrator Fabian Tuñon Benzo provided the artwork for the graphic story 'Mother Knows Worst' (words by Jasper Bark) in our European Monsters anthology...

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Blew a gasket today.

All I can say is thank God for Ducksu, benzodiazepines, & video games.

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Benzington Alberto López de la Peña Ruiz

AKA Benz, Benny, Big Bee, Benzo

Father, Musician, Candyman, Beedrill, Pokemon Fancharacter


Thread ⏬

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My Bou has "Acid-Cell Manipulation" powers. She secretes benzoic acid from her forearm wounds that she can either harden or liquify with pressure. But here's a little bio! 🌸

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Benzoさん(  )からバトン受け取った!


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L'écoute pas benzou! Rappelle-toi, c'est pas la taille qui compte.

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《Ho voglia di cose
disamorate e vive
-nn sogni tastiere evocative-
poiché l'amore, l'imponderabile
nn vivono che in te,
trafugati e spenti.
È dentro il tuo viso che nasce
la devozione della mia solitudine》


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per non vederti ovunque, tenerezza
A un verso di troppo, evanescente,
gelida una luce retroattiva
fa d’ogni azzurro di memoria strame

9 13

I nostri i nostri i nostri
addii poi disattesi
da un bacio volgarissimo
come una blusa gialla

/ Benzoni

Con la mia sete intatta
Ferruccio Benzoni

5 8

Il mare è quella cosa azzurra e fosca
che tu e io navigammo un giorno
e altri incanti poi, naufragi e tenerezze
a noi sparendo torbidamente avvolse

18 34

Del resto la gioia cos'era se
non una falsa partenza per
spintare bruciando bellezza, amore? Ma basta.Non barattare la tenerezza con il
compianto della carne,stanco
di parvenze il non distrutto

Anna R

10 18

[...] tu sai non esiste grazia senza l'orrore.

Ferruccio Benzoni

Anche gli Angeli sanguinano

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"...d'ogni cosa ebbi paura:
tornare tra la folla che si urta,
le ombre surrogate nella mia.
Da allora nient'altro che un
romanzo l'azzurro."

🎨 René Magritte

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BBはBrain act Benzodiazepine の意だった・・・!?

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This scent is both ethereal and heavy; it is a booming roar of derision, a howl of resistance echoing into the darkness: a chilly aldehyde with blackened clove and coffee bean, black sandalwood, nutmeg, nag champa, white amber, and benzoin.

12 24

Not the best day. Went to see my shrink. Had benzo brain burn from hell. Appointment 2:30. Still waiting at 3:45 with talk-to-himself man in one ear and piped music from hell in the other. Eventually had enough. Told the receptionist, "I feel like shit! I'm going home!" And did.

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For its look at an old Bedford Lorry of ours. Love the slogan used of ‘It’s whiter and lighter’ as flour has progressed greatly since the use of benzoyl peroxide was prohibited in the early 90’s. Pleased we were one of the first mills in the UK to stop using it

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