Basil II (c.958-1025)
Known as "The Bulgar Slayer", was the senior Byzantine Emperor emperor alongside his brother Constantine VIII from 976 until his death. He is well known for the subjugation of the Bulgars and a series of reforms against the nobility of his empire

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Mocha as an Almogávar soldier, light infantry shock-guerrilla troops of saracen origin and later adapted by the Kingdom of Aragon. You could find these fighting for the Kingdom of Portugal up to the Byzantine Empire.

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Depiction from John Skylitzes' 11th C Byzantine history. A Varangian guardsman assigned around Ephesus tried to rape a local woman. She killed him w his own sword. When the other Varangians heard, they celebrated her, gave her his belongings, & left his body unburied in disgrace.

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Gameart inspired by ancient Byzantium

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Saint John the Baptist With His Parents - Holy Prophet Zachariah and Holy Righteous Elizabeth

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