a girl with too much hair who is crying because of her daily combing routine

also i just realized this drawing single handedly displays how much i suck at shading hair 🤔

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Introducing the Dan The Man sprite sheet! KoolTimYT Edition!
Combing the beta sprites and fixing sprite errors as well. Including the cinematic sprites and custom expressions!

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I’ve been wondering. Tarzan seems to have locks due to not combing his hair ever. But his hair looks so... fluid in motion while I’ve only seen locks being quite stiff? Am I wrong or is it a “It’s a cartoon so physics can be ignored” kind of thing?

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"'What's that?' said Harry.
'Another Boggart,' said Lupin, stripping off his cloak. 'I've been combing the castle ever since Tuesday, and very luckily, I found this one lurking inside Mr Filch's filing cabinet"
— JKR (PA12)

by Sebastian Theilig

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I started combing animals with foods so here’s some kind of pizza animal I guess lol.

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me, combing through the internet for different pieces of ancient roman clothing: I will find things that are not togas I will find things that are not togas I will find things that are not togas I will f

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frantically combing my archives trying to find a picture that i have no idea what i named/tagged it as, but found these old bariyan chibis that are........ actually the best and most representative pics ive ever drawn of him

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me combing through the script of any Lupin story

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K/DA Reyna - Combing my two loves

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Combing Her Hair (Kamisuki), 1933

Torii Kotondo (1900 - 1976)

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Spoilt for choice with this theme! Heartily recommended this from
via BBC. It was part of a brilliant series and he's gone on to do a similar project combing art with music. It was a highlight of lockdown for me. Mars, the bringer of war...

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🍒I just wonder about combing his hair to one side and with slightly longer hair in the back.💦
And with my bizarre taste in designing fashion.

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combing shizun's hair...!!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕

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Finally combing through all my old Photoshop files and I didn't even realize how much I've improved within the past 3 years alone😭

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Hi! I’m Hazel, and I’ve been an artist for about 7 years now! I’m new to twitter so bare with me a bit! I love telling stories, creating characters, and combing those two into animation!

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