
Hey! I’m digital artist and I draw pokemon, pokemon fusions and fakemons ^^ My favorite pokemon is Darkrai 🖤

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i was trying to distract myself a little so i did some fakemons with friends help ❤️

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Balli y Soccoati, fakemons tipo normal, se refugian en una burbuja volcánica y al crecer la usan de pelota.

Balli & Soccoati, fakemons normal type, they take refuge on volcanic bubbles and as they grow they use it as a ball.

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Nearly 5 years in the making with countless inspirations to date, my Fakemon starter trio is finally complete.
Hafroo, the Grass Starter
Wickup, the Fire Starter
And, Bubeep, the Water Starter.
Who do you choose?💗

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right. . .I forgot I made Fakemons back then . . .

here are some f my favorite ones I came to do

it's been so long since I did these. . .I'll probably come back to these in the future, giving them a revamp of sorts maybe

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Heyyy ! J'avais fais y a un pitit moment des fakemons pour un fangame du nom de Pokémon dimension, mais le projet vient d'être arrêter. Du coup je peux vous les montrer ! Je pense que je vais les garder pour moi je les aime trop pour juste les les laisser a l'abandon comme ca TwT

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I've gotten hella inspiration to make eggs to match Pokefusions or Fakemons I find so I will make a thread of them here.

First up is Gibmander.

Pokefusion: (Still love ya)
The egg: My art

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Currently thinking about my tf2 fakemons. I should get/make more arts of them. Especially the first two. Hhhh

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a while ago I made these fakemons the concepts are not mine, but the design are

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Más fakemons!



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Diseño y Artkorks de Fakemons, de una unica fase, dos, tres ó Legendarios✨

Si te interesa; no dudes en hablarme por Md~⭐️

- Pago únicamente por Paypal -

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I want to contribute my idea for 's based on the Mulan Magnolia(magnolia Liliiflora) designing fakemons is so hard😩 I can't think of the possible typing for my evo but its based on Mulan and uses its favorite stick as a sword when fighting.

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Casi me olvido, pero mejor tarde que nunca. Hoy hace un año, Cureye y Eyenity fueron revelados. Eso fueron los primero fakemons que yo vi en estreno, asi que son algo importantes para mi. A CELEBRAR

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i have decided to draw two fakemons from pokemon clover "Ebolable" and "Memenace"

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Hello ! 🎉

Ce soir, 20h stream spécial fabrication de fakemons en compagnie de l'incroyable ! Le stream débutera sur ma chaîne Twitch puis se poursuivra sur la sienne au cours de la soirée !

Regardez j'ai fait des dessins de nos bonhommes 🥺

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Prescue y Debrieve, fakemons tipo normal y tierra, se organizan para rescatar pokemon y humanos atrapados en derrumbes.
Prescue y Debrieve, fakemon normal and ground type, they organize to rescue pokemon and humans trapped under debris.

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Here It is still so here are some of my fave blue Ive made so far, you can find more about them in my Deviantart page

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Redraws and redesigns of previous fakemons, made a bit cleaner with some potentially relevant made up held items. Thinking this stuff up is very fun.

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