"Ignominy 1" Scott Atlas, 16Kx9K rendered out live mix. Print size 135 x 76 cm, (54" x 30") machined image.

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Jamás pactes con el Dios de los Mil Rostros, sus ignominiosas palabras te cautivarán, y cuándo te des cuenta te verás atrapado en la desesperación más profunda y la locura absoluta. No trates con Nyarlathotep, por que tus sueños más anhelados se convertirán en tu peor pesadilla

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Grats Illie!💜💜💜

Here's my gnomie Winzie (the only one of my characters that has something like ref sheet XD)

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Countdown Clocks are a key feature of Gnomes in the Night👻
This timepiece of fine gnomish craftgnomeship is called the Curse Counter-Downer 🕰️⏱️⏰ https://t.co/Pj6FE0hJ5g

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Aulyo has decided to dress as one of the divine beings called "Shen" from a popular gnomish comic called "Dragon Orb X" for Hallow's End! They were short and had long ears so it was right up his alley!

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a very gnomish shop update! link in reply! come check out these gnomes and some mini pin sets!! (the mini sets come with three lil pins!!!!)

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El genocidi amerindi, el tràfic d'esclaus, l'expropiació de metalls preciosos, les violacions... una etapa de les més ignominioses de la història de la humanitat.
Avui 12 d'octubre la Revista de Catalunya proclama la seva plena adhesió a la diada de la resistència indígena!

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Henzy Zolz is about to get a look at a phase drider with her fresh new gnomish farsight goggles in the subterranean domain, The Underjak. Also she caps a mushroom beast.

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É tanto artista incrível que me sinto um gnomio da arte, mas vamo tentar....

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The Competitive Type (Tatehiki sô), from the 1820s series Thirty-two Physiognomic Types in the Modern World

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My gnomish sorceress again! I wish I could draw anime style better! This attempt was inspired by awesome videos!

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-Portrait of a gnomish scientist -
Warm up and painting practice.
I usually do lineart and color don't just go in on top of a sketch to paint so this was nice practice.
Gnomes are fun because of the very exaggerated proportions.

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Sharing some D&D related art :D

Nimbip here is a gnomish bard who I get to play in a campaign right now, armed with her wit, a flute, her fiddle and a lute. She is the most positive, joyful little bean and I just adore playing this honey-addicted short stack 💚💜🧡

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Join me in wishing a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the artistic mastermind behind the Lost Codex, our producer & editor extraordinaire & lover of all things Gnomish:

🎉🎈 🎈🎉!!

Enjoy all the cake, orange juice & socially distanced relaxation that you can, Jeff!🥳🥳

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Completed my earlier upload of Sulf the Gnomish Artificer with her new arcane firearm :3

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My character drawing ahead of

To Mourn No More game - meet Talinquin Toralyn d'Sivis, gnomish arcane trickster. Would you like a similar piece of art for yourself? Enter the AA charity raffle at https://t.co/G8JzVRtQkD :D

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Close up of Sulf, the gnomish artificer from my d&d campaign. Very happy with the colours on this!

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