Human Sorcerer AMBASSADOR DERVO fends off an incursion from Android Warrior HAXIS in the Beyond Realm.

Day 12 ‘Bolt-Boy’, Day 13 ‘Hell Shriner’, Day 13 ‘Rabid Rat’.

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Vanonin ventures into the heart of Mount Grape Shasta to face the monstrous Leshen.

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I’m like, out of practice when it comes to drawing. still fun tho. Human Warrior

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Kodiak - Cosmic Gnome Barbarian battles a Red Skullbeast in the Between Realm.

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Galactic Android Ranger Vic-Tor-3 pursues wanted sorcerer Omiak into a pocket dimension.
Day 20 “CAPTAIN VICTORY” and Day 22 “OMAC”

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Henzy Zolz is about to get a look at a phase drider with her fresh new gnomish farsight goggles in the subterranean domain, The Underjak. Also she caps a mushroom beast.

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TEKNIX, pyromantic martial artist, trains in an explosion proof hall. Delivering concentrated fireworks with every strike. DUNGEONDELVUARY Days 21, Karate Pyromancer.

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DAYS 4, 6-11 as detailed in the second image. A Woof Barbarian attempts to squash a Freezling Sorcerer that has encroached on their camp. (Also doing proper daily Inktober at ).

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MAYKO TAYKO sinister gnome iron wizard chef. His octopus familiar keeps everything well seasoned!

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Exiled Dwarven Druid (with a dip into Sorcerer) Grooner Stormbelly has taken up residence in a witch doctor-styled shack deep in the swamp. February Challenge Day 24 and 25.

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Threz Son of Threz. Gaster (#NetherRegionz alligator persons) February Challenge Day 23. Alligator Battle Waders

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The green hag has lured Vanonin into a trap. The Leshen is bound by the carved banshee talisman to protect an evil sorcerer's lair. February challenge Day 16 and 17.

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Feb challenge Day 7-11: Deep gnome Henzy attempts to recover the ancestral magic boots, stolen and corrupted upon a dark altar in The Underjak. Guarded by a demon possessed fungi-beast with laser resistance.

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Day 5 of the February challenge. Aldro Smoolain “Cleric of Abstinence” is confronted by a Georgia O’Keeffe inspired sentient node in a pocket dimensional tavern.

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