GOP thinks they get to decide which Americans will vote.

That is entitlement! That is privilege! That is NOT Democracy!!

defends the right of eligible voters to participate in free and fair elections. That is Democracy!

164 261

No surprises in the NC GOP gerrymandered maps. North Carolinians agree that voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around.

0 5

Trump & GOP (remember that most of them still support him / want his endorsement / fear his base) are active dangers to democracy, while they engage in fearmongering against Democrats & chip away at voting rights in America. "Conservative" mentality led us here. I won't forget.

2 0


"Gym Jordan"
is a National-Disgrace
Examine—his January 6th texts
so justice he’ll taste
The whole truth must come-out
please quicken the pace
Like all GOP—traitors
Gym must be-replaced

4 9

The GOP has been for years a ghoulish death cult locked in a grotesque symbiotic relationship with Fox and its millionaire celebrity liars. This week just made it evident.

1 3

if you're still surprised by the total lack of consistency in GOP positions on basically anything, you're a lost cause. Hypocrisy is how they operate, it's not a bug, it's a feature.

14 40

Banksy inspired ….This was made after the GOP sat
a sexual—predator on the Supreme Court after holding
a -sham FBI investigation where 4000 thousand-complaints were👉ignored.

6 9

Just leaving this here for you, MAGA. Also, nearly 800,000 Americans are dead because of COVID. Please get vaccinated.

1 3

From resisting COVID measures to promoting guns as Christmas card props, the GOP is sacrificing the common good for “personal freedom.”

Follow for more cartoons!

2 4

I wrote & drew this comics essay on how Republicans / GOP have openly embraced evil, time & again. With some violence-promoting quotes from 45 / TFG & one of his children. At Colors:

2 3

I wrote & drew this comics essay on how Republicans / GOP have openly embraced evil, time & again. Look at these incendiary quotes from 45 / TFG and one of his children. At Colors:

5 8

The GOP-dominated Ohio statehouse thinks teaching things in schools like how slavery and racism shaped and still shapes our country is inappropriate. But more guns in the classroom? That’s what they think we need.

30 79

Still mindblown that Thomas Nast was the 19th century abolitionist political cartoonist who first depicted not only our modern interpretation of Santa Claus but also the Republicans’ elephant in Lincoln-era (before the switch when GOP still stood for blacks, workers and farmers)

0 10

クセになる美味しさです(いつぞやのエッセイ) デトックス効果がある気がする

1 6

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5 22