Thanks for every King and Queens in the kingdom who is with me in this sad 😢 day

17 46

My 3 has just stolen from my wallet… 😭😭😭 If you can help me to rescue them I will be so grateful

21 63

Want to commission me and are not a scammer. Please email me at Let's make beautiful work together.

2 10

hmm. maybe Portland is going to be uncharacteristically quiet.. weird

0 0

🍍Hawaiian 🌀Twin Hurricanes (Iselle & Julio) 🌀Ginger Sandell 🖌️ 🙏Floridians😓#Pray📿 🦺

2 8

To our sisters and brothers down south. Florida and vicinity, stay safe! We are thinking about you .

40 95

If the alarm sounds, leave right away, closing all doors behind you. Use the stairs — never use elevators during a fire.

16 24

Always check for cheeseburgers 🍔
Happy Friday! ✌️😎

3 9

It's Friday, Friday Friday !!! Finally ! Happy !

1 7

Wishing everyone a Sensational Saturday !

3 29

Hello Jillian, Jimmy, Sherry, Betty, Connie, Hamma, DawnMaria, Melinda, Debra, Holly, Margie, Steven,Susan, Margie Have a great Tuesday!#BeSafeOutThere

2 8