Sure! Here's my goatgal Kaylah, my Professor Ishmael, my goatdog sona, and my baphomet Prisrelle (who I've reworked slightly to be my character in a dnd campaign me and some friends are doing)!

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my cat boy ishmael <º))))><

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Here is 's Tanishmael for Artfight! May you find adventure in ESO and, if not, in your personal stories!

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Hagar and Ishmael in a Southern Wooded Landscape, Gaspard Dughet, 17th century

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Gioacchino Assereto (1600 – 28 June 1649) was an Italian painter.The Angel appears to Hagar and Ishmael

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4 Shows, 4 Characters - tagged by

Moby Dick - Ishmael (and Queequeg)♥
DC - Ai/Shiho,but there are many great characters
Animal Crossing - Blathers!♥
One Piece - Coby,and others♥

Comment an emoji, and I'll give you 4 shows to show of your favorite characters

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Old vs New, round two!! Decided to redesign an older oc of mine, "Dr. Conroy Ishmael" with a more serious look

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HL2 Covalent - The Stranger

Ishmael goes scavenging and runs into someone he hoped he'd never see again...

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HL2 Covalent - The Stranger

Ishmael goes scavenging and runs into someone he hoped he'd never see again...

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10 minute scribble of Ishmael I'd like to animate later

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A commission from across the sea! This is Ishmael 💚

DM me if you'd like an commission of your own!

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i love ishmael mobydick

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For illustrators:
'Show us a variety of approaches – colour wash with or without an outline, charcoal, collage. Chris Mould, Allen Fatimaharan, Yasmeen Ishmael, Lauren Child, Lydia Monks, Dapo Adeola, Oliver Jeffers & Laura Hughes all have fabulously different approaches.'

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Made my bf a new fursona....I wanted to name him snake or grav but he said Ishmael lol

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