there we go guys. ishmael d20. i used the adachi d20 as a reference, im gonna put both the HD and adachi d20 in the replies

186 1059

help im making an ishmael version of the adachi d20 😭

7 40

i wanted to quickly give my thoughts about Wishmael's design

192 1642

Are you into a tight-suit Ishmael-

120 986

ishmael (limbus company)

247 2129

“Call me Ishmael.”

1764 7755


30 128

[000] -N사 큰 망치 이스마엘 3동기화 / N Corp. Großhammer ISHMAEL Uptie Tier 3

299 1288

[000] -N사 큰 망치 이스마엘 / N Corp. Großhammer ISHMAEL

302 1556

다음 이스마엘 인격을 그릴건데 투표해주세요!

I'm going to draw the identity of Ishmael Please vote!

14 179

Draw request: Ishmael using a fish as a weapon instead of her mace — Alright

119 483

506 - doodle
Ishmael (Limbus Company - Molar Boatworks Identity)

Still busy with life stuff so not a lot of art out of me, but next week i should be able to start painting again.

315 1923

Can you draw Heathcliff and Ishmael being forced by Meursault and Vergil to shake hands for peace? — 🤝🏻

160 646

505 - self indulgent study
Outis (Limbus Company)

all that's left is don and ishmael.

133 597

Lishmael and Cinquixote

1259 3251

Thanks Project Moon for giving me a reason to draw Ishmael in a bikini 🤤

183 768

Ishmael, Limbus Company

60 197

2023.07.06(KST) 신규 인격 특정 추출 /新規 人格 特定抽出 / New Identity Target Extraction

[000] 남부 리우 협회 4과 이스마엘 / 南部リウ協会4課 イシュメール / Liu South Section 4 Ishmael

5635 7333

100 day challenge of drawing Ishmael! 😁😁😁

1389 5053