Past midnight.
Took a nap earlier, my all day headache is gone, thank God 🙏
Better try to shut eye, again.
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

2 10

Flowers! First one is the European columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris) and the second one is some garden variety of Cheddar pink (Dianthus gratianopolitanus).
Done with the Derwent Inktense pens on A4 🌺

4 9

【発売情報】『テイルズ オブ 』シリーズ Pitanui mode

ぽんちょ トクナガ/ラピード/ティポ/ノルミン(各1,500円+税)



215 232


■Pitanui mode ぽんちょ(全4種)

■Pitanui mode おさんぽバッグ

80 78

Pitanui mode/ぴたぬいを購入して「おなまえチャーム チューリップ型」をゲットしよう📛

ぴたぬいのお洋服シリーズ『Pitanui mode』の種類はこんなにたくさん🧸


37 42

Reeks Monday already 🤢
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

0 12

Those Two Agarthans - Behold the Master Race

Bias and her pet Titanus teach the next generation of Agarthans who's the most civilized race in Fodlan

49 217

Oops it's correct, pretty boy! 😹
Back to our nest 😴
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾
🕸 🐾

0 2

Better try to shut eye 😴
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 💋
💋 🐾 🐾

0 14

Ok. Happy
Workout for me, then shower and hopefully will be able to get some sleep 🙏
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💪 🚿 😴

1 12

put up a req on otsu/k/ai i want goro pt pitanui

0 0

*Yawn* back to my nest. Off to get groceries in a few with my very "unrealistic" self 😹
But now 😴
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾
Happy 🐾 🐾

2 8

Back to my nest ❤️

Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾
🕸 🐾

2 6

Better try to shut eye 😴
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

0 5

Better try to shut eye.
Dealing with a very exotic mix of anxiety, depression, anger and stress. Kaboom.
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

3 18

Back to my nest ❤️
Guess got tomorrow off, dunno anymore, these days are crazy.
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

1 12