I fucking hate everything.
Well done, idiots.
Happy btw.
🐾 🐾

4 10

Happy 🐾 🐾
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾

4 23

Was a long day, better try to shut eye 😴
I'm exhausted but had few laughs, thank you, Disney 🤣
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

2 10

Better try to shut eye, starting early in few hours. I'm a disaster 😅
Hey, you're coming or not?
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

0 3

Had the most horrible day 😭
So fucking upset. 3:16 am and can't fucking sleep...
Better try to shut eye 😴
Hey, my ass is not gonna spank itself.
Goodnight 💋 🐾 🐾
🐾 🐾

0 6

Bedtime 🦇 🔥
*Dragging with me because I can *
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾

0 7

Brrrr freezing! *Pounce, capture & drag back to my nest*
Goodnight 💋 🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

0 6

Bedtime! 🐾 🐾
Hey my ass is not gonna spank itself! 😹
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾

0 6

Back to my nest ❤️
No, not thinking about Dr Kujo, why would I?
Brain: Ora ora ora
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾
Accurate though 😅

0 1

Yare yare daze...
Got a birthday to celebrate 🎉

🐾 🐾

0 2

Ok, enough Mustang for tonight.
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

1 8

I may take a nap.
Was a long and busy day 😴
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

4 11

Enough internet nonsense for a day.
Off to bed and may take another break from here, dunno yet, having enough, again 🤧
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

1 2

I fucking hate ppl, seriously.
Back to my nest.
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

0 3

Back to my nest 😴
🐾 🐾
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

1 13

Too damn early 😴
Back to my nest ❤️
Goodnight 💋 🐾 🐾
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

0 1

Back to my nest.
Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 🐾 🐾

2 13

Back to my nest. Goodnight 💋
🐾 🐾
💋 💋
💋 🐾 🐾

0 13