"Create something that will make the world AWESOME." Choose the road of kindness. Help someone feel like a somebody. Pep talk here: https://t.co/FJdskmNGm2

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I posted some new prints in my Etsy shop this month.

This is one of my favorites. Everyone loves a bestie ❤️


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Always be kind, you never know what someone is going through💜 ✨

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'5⭐️ - Thoughtful, entertaining, and great art!
'...kindness explodes from artful pages. Well done!'



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https://t.co/HwV3GYQB9e Check out my Zodiac collection for Thank you for visiting. Take care of you and others.

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REMINDER - YOU'RE INVITED! Tomorrow is Summer Story Time (and a Craft!) on the Porch Day!!!! And tomorrow's story is LOVE IS KIND w/ permission of my publisher . Please join me on my Facebook Author Page: https://t.co/htEOUhlZkj.

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Tips for Happiness,

Radical Kindness

My first tip for happiness is also the easiest and the most fun—I call it "Radical and it's just what it sounds like...

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Make kindness an integral part of what you think, say and do. And, I assure you of this. It will give you a life filled with inner peace, love, joy, and happiness.

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Tips for Happiness,

Radical Kindness

My first tip for happiness is also the easiest and the most fun—I call it "Radical and it's just what it sounds like...

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Good morning! Happy Thursday my Twitter friends! Rather a damp day today😉 but have fun anyway & keep safe; kind wishes for those ill or sad; love to all❤️ 😊

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Wishing everyone a safe and very beautiful day . Big Family Hug, Bless You All HOME

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Feast on the seeds of self love. Let your love blow in the wind like dandelion wishes. What my says June 2

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What my says to me June 2 - loving yourself first is the seed that spreads love everywhere. Feast on the seeds of self love.

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