Hi Kylamiah😄 I see you already got a lot of replies, but wanted to offer my services if you haven’t found an artist yet and like my style ☺️(hopefully I don’t look like a bot 👀😋) as you can see I do this cute/chibi style and you can find all the info at https://t.co/PeTjgiwDyT

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L is for Lamia, a Classical Mythology daemon known to devour children.

I was distracted by Choco Werehound in CRK sorry if this is late LMAO

27 208

Hmm deciding wether or not I make Lamia into a toon

It would make sense but ima make it with a twist

1 25

TW: Blood, Teeth
🎵 Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge

The last of Nightwatch Academy's Villains...this is Mallia. She's a half lamia, former doctor and really enjoys causing pain.

9 29

📣 Del clásico al contemporáneo: el caso de la novela gráfica 'Lamia', de Rayco Pulido

📌 Un estudio publicado en analiza el mito grecolatino en el argumento de la obra galardonada con el Premio Nacional del Cómic en 2017

▶️ https://t.co/LlyBmsdPvz

4 9

First winner of 10.10.2022 stream raffle !
It was a real pleasure to work on such a wonderful character~♪

8 53

"Lamia and the Soldier"
by John William Waterhouse

1 3

IRATIn bezain ikusgarria Paul Urkijok mitologia fantastikoaren poetika orekatzen du akelarrez eta dekapitazioz betetako euskal bikingoen istorio batekin. Lamiak, ziklopak, suzko sugeak... IRATI iparraldeko gure emakumea da. Maite zaitut Sitges.

42 531

LamiAdora from the wonderful mind of :) it was so much fun, thanks for letting me borrow your ideas 🤠 https://t.co/5PTimCEe5i

1 13

💓Tighten up💓
This is my OC Lamia, she is part of big commision I work on.
If you want to see more spicy version, check out the coments 😉

3 11

PoV you find a lamia chained in a damp room inside the dungeon. Would you free her?


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Inktober 2022 - Custom Prompt List

2 - Lamia
(sorry for late post-)

2 11

Day 3: Lamia
Using my OC Tera for this uwu
During blood moons she gets like this (with more detail ofc)

6 21