I can't stop thinking that she looks a lot like Aurora 💗👑

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Was supposed to do more for October but wasn’t able to finish much 😅 My fave villain. First time to try paper packs in .

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I was looking at some Rococo paintings and felt really inspired to draw another Disney princess in this aesthetic. I might do more but I need a break from big projects so it won’t be for awhile.

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from . He's the male version of from I wanted to draw him with his dragon tongue but..hmm maybe next time then.

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"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream~"🎶 This was my favorite Disney movie when I was little!

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Day 26: Royalty 👑💫✨
Sleeping beauty 💤💕✨

Black princesses do exist !

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cannot stop thinking about beeb!Aurora picking up pretty early on that her aunties aren't gonna be much help with untangling forest detritus from her hair and just giving herself an admittedly-pretty-good bob as a solution

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Inktober Day 21: Sleep

Don’t you just hate it when a good nap gets interrupted?

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Who is standing in the shadows observing the love of his live?

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