Looking for ideas all about space? Check out our curated booklist for titles to support your program https://t.co/eTbl5cexXp

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Juana’s life is just about perfect. Until her mami meets someone new...

Juana & Lucas: Big Problemas


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Everyone please meet Trevor. He was created for the 2019 by . Adam’s illustrations have brought to life the theme. I got to name Trev and it’s definitely a highlight of my professional career if not my whole life.

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10 books I’m hoping to read this summer. What’s on everyone’s own list? Always looking forward to more suggestions.


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May 1969: busy month for crew with press conferences, lunar surface & water egress training 🚀
Read about 's journey to the in COUNTDOWN: 2979 DAYS TO THE MOON https://t.co/Xv8XMfOCyW

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Looking for ideas all about space? Check out our curated booklist for titles to support your program https://t.co/eTbl5cexXp

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Looking for ideas all about space? Check out our curated booklist for titles to support your program https://t.co/eTbl5cexXp

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Explore book templates for your students' Have students add reading selfies to a Buncee Board, book trailers, advertisements, and more.

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Looking for ideas all about space? Check out our curated booklist for titles to support your program https://t.co/eTbl5cexXp

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The Summer Reading Challenge ends on 16th September in Wandsworth Libraries. One more week to go for children to finish 6 books and become fully certified Mischief Makers

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We only have until 9th Sept to win £200 worth of books for . Ask for a book review template and your will do the rest or tweet/email direct to ! Come on chilldren: I've been hearing about your fantastic achievements.

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Less than a week left until the ends. volunteers will be here today 10:30-12:30 & 14:00-16:00

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What do you do at the end of summer?
Are you busy?
Will you read this light novel and join in on our wonderful book group discussion on September 1st?

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** Drop-in Craft Event ON NOW! **
10 am - 12 pm at Library!
Come and make a Gnasher Bookmark and a Dennis The Menace Skateboard!
Tickets £1.00 per child from the Ground Floor Desk !
See you very soon!

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volunteers will be here today 14:00-16:00

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~FREE Craft Day at Library!~
Come and make aeroplanes, boats, hats and helicopters!
Prank your friends with a fake spider!
And join the
All FREE , Saturday 18th August between 10 am and 4 pm!

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