Me at 15 vs me now. Really only the hair changes lol. That & I got tats & glasses lol

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Knuckle tats: THEY THEM

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Close up of some of the gang members who are stoked with their new tats

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Last day of Under the sea, a group of young that call themselves ECOTD (Exotic Creatures Of The Deep) Make it official and get their own gang Sailors aren't the only ones who can get tats at sea.

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Everyone's posting the, "15yr old me vs now", & I just kinda look the same 🤷🏼‍♀️ Found my style forever ago & the only dif is my dark blonde is more naturally highlighted now, (less artificially drastic), + a couple tats. ✨

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Not pink tats but pink!!
Love these two!!

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designing some back tats for tillman

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I've been doing some studies to try and get better, do that learning thing.

I was going to do the tats the left guy, Alex, has, but then I got lazy.

I think I posted the Hal one already, but eh, whatevs. Hal out here bein The Bufflock.

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Sometimes you wake up on a Caturday and nothing happens, and sometimes you end up trading your black tats cat for a full MJ set!

Thanks for the smooth trade.

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Wicked tats dude

Matching tattoos <333333333

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Important Kirby update :
Blackberry bush leg tats
the green and purple coloring is optional!

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More shiny stuff about him..

This time tattoos i was inspired by geomentrical tats as u can tell and because this boy is a literal walking charger so it would be cool to interpent "tech" lookin tats for him
Also because i love tats on back 🙏

Its just quick doodle so that.

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11) Nailah from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn

This dog does 11,640 damage per second
(Also fucking love her eyepatch and tats)

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Great to see, nightmare to draw LOL- but I turned all the tats into "materials" so I can just lay it on when I'm done :'^)

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my lil lad got tats last session so just before session i decided to draw em! he has residuum +con tats and fire opal tats for fire resistance (from critical role)

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Guys guys I’m planning out tats I wanna get and I’m stuck on what color scheme I should do so imma do a poll and put it in the comments!
Would appreciate it a bunch and I will def accept any color scheme suggestions too! 💕

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Looks good, but i like the naked tats.

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same goes with ciels old powerd fit those tats make her even more of a badass than she already is!

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