Forgot to share but yippee!! (He still has the tats)

32 922

Do Hu tao and Yoimiya have any matching tattoos? — DEFINITELY!! college au taomiya have matching butterfly tats they plan on outlining when the colour starts to fade or change 💛💛

83 809

had to draw the new tats

0 15

update because im stupid. he has eye tats

1 5

may or may not be biased rn bc I was just talking about him, but look at kaen. I Like him bc he’s buff and also has long pretty hair 🥹 and tats and piercings. Yummy ☺️

0 2

I just have one question for WAGMI-San before tonight’s Dance Party:

WEN TATS x ?!?


⚔️⚔️Bring on Season 2⚔️⚔️

28 101

Is it insider trading when you mock up the art upgrades for all the floor TATs on ME and then snipe the ones you can't live without? Asking for a friend.

33 82

knuckle tats I designed for 's character :3
pretty happy W how these came out, even though messed up the mesh warping on the S lol. just don't look too hard

3 6

Got my 1st ever Bitcoin from 's Karmz Ordinal Collection. The green skin and tats are a 🔥🔥 combo, also check out that BTC Chain!

7 28

I got plenty of Tatsumaki fanart (No lewds tats though)

0 4

finally finished my take on ’s DTIYS after it’s been languishing in my wip stack for 2 days short of a month

sometimes i don't feel like drawing /the rings/ cos i wanna draw Eddie’s knuckle tats instead. also thrilled to finally have an opportunity to do his other arm.

9 39

very quick throné,, ive wanted to draw my hc for postgame throné since i learned she had a sleeve tat bc u Know i love dangerous ladies with tats. havent finished her ch4 yet but i want 2 think she covers the snake up with flowers (oh my god it was a symbol for rebirth)

7 16

doodled jackie and her new tats she got for her favorite Legion, Frank gave them to her since she couldn’t afford an actual professional <3

5 37

love the art on all The tats are way out on this homie!

2 5

Forgot to post here. This mf can buy lottery tickets and get tats now (I am too poor for both

0 1

Mandala tats I’ve always thought of getting 🔥

1 2