Yup.. it's so typical of the Western media to headline Israelis as victims and ignore the REAL victims here, the Palestinians.

61 74

innocent child even he just wants to protect his parents 🥺😭😭

8 11

Mother has already lost patience!
End apartheid Israel!


203 496


41 8

Terkini dilaporkan telah berlaku pertembungan berbalas serangan antara Briged Izzudin Al Qassam dengan tentera Zionis. Mari kita bersama-sama doakan Palestin. Allahuakbar! 🤲🏻

1001 1467

The hypocrisy of the mainstream media

BBC and CNN are covering up Israeli crimes and blaming the victims.

1901 2572

Humans are humans no matter which sect, religion or country they belong to..

May ALLAH SWT ease everyone’s pain, may ALLAH SWT help the helpless..
Ameen Sum Ameen..

4 4

This cartoon by perfectly depicts Israeli occupation crimes against Palestinians besieged, occupied, and battered in Gaza Strip. Israel targets and massacres 20 Palestinians, 9 of whom are children.

95 139

lets spread awareness about this issue so that the whole world know what is happening rn.

rt to spread.

1644 1297

The Turkish president whispered something about the similarity of Greece with the Nazis.
Remind him of the bloodthirsty Turkish history by posting the picture below, which is from the German-Turkish Friendship Treaty of June 18, 1941.

314 528