My Cartoon in Book of the World Press Cartoon / Portugal 🇵🇹 / 2022

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12 Haziran Dünya İşçiliği ile Mücadele Günü

12 June World Day Against - the United Nation

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2012 PR claimed: "Nestlé Among Companies with Top Marks for Reporting on 👉 In 2021 Norway profits from the exploitation of tens of millions of children

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The Colombian is a teenager but he is an extremely serious and mature editorial cartoonist. It's unacceptable that 300 million children work today and neither governments nor corporations have serious plans to eliminate child labor. We demand

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De nada sirve que paguemos por un buen café si no pagamos lo que el caficultor se merece ni rechazamos la explotación infantil en la industria, por eso hoy también digo:

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asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of the poor children exploited as cheap child labor. means ZERO! Heavy Burden by UK

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This is what children are supposed to do!
c1775 AD drawing from and now at of
"Lord brother Nanda & other children Leave to Play in the Fields"

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This cartoon strip was published a couple of years ago but it feels appropriate to give it another airing today...

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C'est la Journée Mondiale contre le Travail des Enfants Selon l', 158 millions d'enfants de moins de 15 ans sont contraints à travailler à travers le monde. L’éducation est un droit fondamental pour tous les enfants.

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If we continue to use child labour as the panacea to the poverty. We will end up with perpetual penury.
Artwork by .

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