NORMALIZE MENTAL HEALTH, it's a part of your body too.

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Like many people I’ve had issues with social anxiety. A Mouse Called Julian was my way of exploring that fear and learning how to be more open to unexpected friendships

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Today is

Given that I've had brushes with depression and anxiety, this hits pretty close to home for me.

I'm not very good at this message thing(and I call myself a writer), though.

What I want to say is, please remember that it's okay to ask for help.

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Today is
Adjusting to life with & after can have a significant impact on your mental health. Each person's experience is unique & different feelings are normal. Acknowledge how you feel & ask for help 💜 Read more

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On we’re discussing the topics that matter – our students wellbeing with our staff from the welfare team here at West Suffolk College. Check out the podcast here:

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getting outside wt nature, walking your dog, walking a trail all benefits to your mental health. I’m walking cross Canada on The Great Canadian Trail for diabetes

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Physical symptoms of frequently take precedence over invisible ones. Up to 70% of people with MS, experience cognitive problems with: short term memory, information processing and concentrating. Find out more:

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‘Nature prescriptions’ would be cheap way to improve country’s mental health, study finds. 🌲🌲🌲

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This we want to reminisce about the fantastic success of Bloom, Exeter Phoenix's inaugural weekend of welcoming and inclusive activity for

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In celebration of I have compiled some of my soft thoughts and doodles to remind myself (and maybe you!) that progress is not linear, brighter days will come, and I am proud of you!! 🌻🌞✨

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Lil’ reminder for anyone who needs it today and everyday ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤

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It’s fine not to be okay. Do not allow your setbacks to hinder you from achieving greater heights.

Let us put an end to the stigma that surrounds Mental Health and work hand in hand for a safer and inclusive society

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Be kind to others.
You never know what battles they are fighting.

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Julian Pooley's revealing talk, Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Sources for the History of Surrey’s Mental Hospitals 1770-c.1990, traces the history of mental health treatment and the lives of the people in its care. At 24 Oct; 30 Oct

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Children and young people can also be afraid of asking for help. They might feel not listened to or worried that what they are feeling makes them 'weird'.
Have a conversation with a young person in your life today.

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