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Another birthday gift starring Clare from Children of the Sky.

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Its Sunday so its time for more Randomizer Nuzlocke Pokemon black with my girlfriend !

Art By

Live on now: https://t.co/RgHz2nayiv

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Thank you for starting this thread! I'm Skitty, and I mostly work on my webcomic Nuzlocke on Ice, but I also make fanart and original art, too!


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Been loving the pumpkin babu so much in my Y Nuzlocke that I just had to re-draw this bit from the latest Sun & Moon anime OP. <3

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nuzlocke update p.4! a lot of casualties post 4th and 5th gym

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Lastly- it wouldn’t be a true cross-section of My Artistic Growth (tm) without the absolutely MASSIVE amounts of pokemon fan art I generated- This fun 2012/2015 redraw is from this fan comic I used to do, one of those nuzlocke runs! (and I still rly love pkmn! 🙏🏻)

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During the time that I was playing this Nuzlocke run, I was watching 's Let's Play of Kid Icarus (this was years ago btw, 2016 to be exact), I managed to catch a female Sewaddle and called her Viridi. She since then evolved into a Swadloon.

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Drew this when I caught a Tympole during my [discontinued] Nuzlocke run and thought I might as well try my hand at drawing water and reflections in my art and I thought it came out super cute. (May 2016)

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Drew a Woobat for my [discontinued] Nuzlocke Let's Play of Pokemon Black and White. I spelled the name on their cone hat wrong on purpose for the sake of me not liking Woobat very much and it was a Pokemon that I didn't want on my team. (May 2016)

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Caught a Lillipup, named her Alphys and she evolved into a Herdier during my Pokemon Black and White nuzlocke (now discontinued). (May 2016)

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Another Pokemon avatar icon that I drew. Wasn't super proud of it at the time and it made me even more upset when the poor guy just straight up died on me during my Nuzlocke run. I have a lot to learn with drawing monkeys. (May 2016)

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This is art that I made from my now discontinued Pokemon Black and White Nuzlocke Versus let's play. I managed to evolve the Pidove that I caught into a Tranquil on top of that, I'm acually happier with the evolved form drawing haha.

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Doing art for my nuzlocke on Flight Rising. I made this pearlcatcher girl with a mouse in photoshop. It's not too bad 🙂

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Quickly brewed pure-flavored gift art for because I'm happy for her hatching and breeding out her first shiny that I named before she could even think about it.
For a Nuzlocke we intend to do called 'PokeMob'.

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This is Beeps! He’s from my Pokémon sliver nuzlocke! I really hope he doesn’t die :)

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