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My manticore boy, if he pleases you

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Some more Panticore doodles from asks on my blog
Panticore is such a good lad

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🐾Caticore Adopts🦂

These are $7 each.

When requesting to adopt please number them from left to right.

Caticores arnt a species, these are just something funny I came up with awhile back.

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fast sketches of the manticore cubs who recently joined the party in the dnd game im DMing!!! I always think of them in my head as Scratch n Sniff

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This wonky manticore has been my tumblr avatar for like three years...I don’t have the heart to change it

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A manticore who steals panties called the Panticore
He just steals them because he wants to take a nap on them

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8/11(土)はシンズキッチンにてCaqarecac × LoliCore .jp feat. Himena² !!!!!各地からなかなか観ることのできないactが大集合していい感じにアーメンアノニマス地獄!!今回出演はしませんがスタッフとして参加させていただきます!!🔥暑い夏こそBreakcore!!!夏のど真ん中はCAQARECACで決まり!

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Meanwhile, here are some doodles from January that I have completely forgotten about, of that manticore I had designed.

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LMAOOOO Woulda been like a Manticore.

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JapanimeGame様「Kamigami Battles」



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an old manticore boy I still love

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Nature Boy 🌿 so petriCORE💥

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Finished a few more art things today! Another custom of the manticore creature and a finsihed commission for derek <3

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pokemon sphinx + manticore gfs

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for manticorehazy at FA

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