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INFOGRAPHIC: Are you a film buff or bookworm? (Both?) https://t.co/SlrtJBjPDK

12 7

Bookworms will rule the world... As soon as we finish one more chapter...

64 72

List of the Best Life Grinds to a Halt Until You Finish

41 39

Are there certain books you prefer to read in the winter?

3 1

A delightful & fanciful image of a child reading!

2 0

What might this young reader be reading? Any ideas? Tell me!

2 0

List of the Best Books You Should Probably Read Sometime...

68 39

File Shows Too Subversive. A Threat To Our Emotional Security?

8 9

4 magic words to say to your child >>
created by https://t.co/zYMwuzvIu2 … …

92 51