These variant covers for Action Comics & by Lucio Parillo are magnificent!
Really getting Tom Welling vibes from the first image. Incredible comic art!

2 10


プリズマ 1013、939、1019、938
色辞典 VP-3、VP-9、LG-10、LG-1

0 14

1019日目 今日は主僕でおやすみなさい

4 4

⭐️2010/1019 ⭐️

27 284

今日のお花ちゃん 1019日目

33 131

Woah! Check out these covers of the next three covers!
In order
All by John Romita Jr , &
I cannot wait to own these!

1 7

【宣伝】1019/12/10発売になります、「ガン&ガール イラストレイテッド サブマシンガン・PDW編 (MC☆あくしずMOOK)」にてH&K MP5&ガールを描いております。よろしくお願いいたします!!(`・ω・´)ゞ

93 144

Detective Comics and variant covers by Lee Bermejo 🦇

124 579

Mistigram: of course, dark feelings and psychological trauma are in full effect year-round, but purely based on its aesthetics, we share this drawing, "#Anxiety", by n, today. It was included in this month's Hallowe'en MIST1019 artpack c… https://t.co/oxJrYJ9G4M

0 0



8 37


6 42

Mistigram: again deftly interweaving disparate themes, provides a hat with an ultimate accent - the skull of a Pokemon! This piece was included in this month's new Hallowe'en MIST1019 artpack collection. https://t.co/dZDGLf6K0p

0 0


赤組 三日月、石切、にっかり、蜻蛉

1 13