2/2 A more earthy ensemble, starring corn and cantaloupe, from 1813. By Raphaelle Peale, whose birthday is today.

6 33

ドミニク・アングル『オシアンの夢』1813年 アングル美術館

19 155

1804 First uprising against the Ottoman Empire started, with Đorđe Petrović leading the revolt. The first uprising would last until 7 October 1813 and be suppressed. However, a second uprising would start in 1815.

0 1

楽劇『トリスタンとイゾルデ』(1859) https://t.co/VpqsmwVlr5

5 13

(7 February 1813) The British frigate HMS and the French frigate clash near the Îles de Los, off  in what became known as The Action of 7 February 1813. Both ships sustain heavy damage but the action effectively ends in a stalemate.

13 44

Le 7 février 1813, la frégate française l'Aréthuse, commandée par le capitaine de vaisseau Pierre Bouvet, rencontre au large des côtes de Guinée la frégate HMS Amelia. Après près de 4h de combat, les deux navires se séparent et revendiquent la victoire.

17 65

"A conjurer casting spells with his wand and fire surrounded by a kneeling man and demons within the magic circle. Engraving by J. Brown after W.M. Craig, 1813." Wellcome Collection.

5 17

In 1811 he visited Salisbury to paint the spire. Barges on the Stour (1811), E Bergholt (c1813) & Golding Constable’s Flower Garden (1815) The latter is a breath of fresh air!

1 3

'An unhappy alternative is before you, Elizabeth... Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you do.'

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice was published 207 years ago yesterday on 28th January, 1813.

32 214

5 facts about the great composer Wagner

1. Wagner is born!
Wilhelm Richard Wagner came into the world on May 22nd 1813, in the Jewish quarter of Leipzig.

2. A musical beginning?
Astonishingly, Wagner showed little aptitude or enthusiasm for music as a … https://t.co/6VAJGtdxTZ

4 11

Pocock's Reclining Patent Chair (1813)

0 4

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0 1

Charles Marville (1813-1879), étude de ciel, Paris - 1856-57

1 9

"Twelve Japanese zodiac (Jūnishi)", by Watanabe Nangaku (1767–1813)

19 50

【半導体指数SOX】+0.96% (+17.27) 1813.31

1 1

"Quienes jamás cambian de opinión tienen que estar muy seguros de juzgar correctamente al principio"

de "Orgullo y prejuicio" (1813)

Un 16 de diciembre nace (1775-1817).
El tiempo la colocará entre las más influyentes y leídas autoras de la anglosajona.

5 9

'It is quite impossible for me or any other man to command a British army under the existing system. We have in the service the scum of the earth as common soldiers.' Wellington to Earl Bathurst, 2nd July 1813

7 23

🎨Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen (1813-1886 Berlin) was a German painter.

5 16

“I must confess that I think her as delightful a character as ever appeared in print, and how I shall be able to tolerate those who do not like her at least, I do not know.“ - on in a letter to her sister Cassandra, 29 January 1813.

22 102

Twelve Japanese zodiac, by
Watanabe Nangaku (1767–1813)

8 15