Now if my fingers could stop being numb so I can do commissions, that would be great.

0 0

When you realized you did lineart on the wrong layer.

1 4

And now I have no clue what to do

0 2

We did the thing! A collab with ! We dunno what this meme is called so we just called it Saw ’s video and thought we should give it a try! 🤣 💚

0 7

Me: "Ima keep the coloring simple."
Also Me: Proceeds to digitally paint entire panel "Well shit..."

0 2

That feeling when you have two big paintings due and apparently you've completely forgotten how to paint.

0 26

Also, ever managed to do a really nice sketch and then failed time and again to translate it into a finished illustration? Sketch below foiled me many times and I've given up on it. I still like the sketch a lot though.

1 5

I didn't know coloring this page would take me three days ( and still unfinished ). Art is not a joke. 🤷🏻‍♂️

4 20

I’m working on some for the and for my I’m planning to make some videos to go along with this so I will keep you guys posted. Also What would you Name these guys? Let me know in the comments.

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I'm sketching a lot lately to somehow got over the fact that I'm not putting out refined illustrations. Maybe it's some kind of practice phase?

1 10

I'm particularly bad at twitter, as exemplified by the fact that every time I have one of my 5+ panel, tiny-font comics to post it's like a rocket science endeavor for my little squirrel brain.

2 12

I made a stupid thing about creator struggles and it took too long to make

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