To GOP, freedom is only for anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers!

1 2

For fun, I also calculated the State Senate proposals:

Current 2020 Prez Breakdown: D-22, R-13
Dem Proposal Breakdown: D-22, R-13
GOP Proposal Breakdown: D-20, R-15

4 27

We Don't Need The RUSSIAN GOP Poisoning Our Military.

2 2

Political cartoon I did shortly after Trump & his goons tear-gassed protesters so that he could wave an upside-down Bible around for a photo-op.
* Colors by Shaun Riaz (Jack Kirby Dr. Doom homage, of course)

1 3

Recipe for Judicial DISASTER:


2 TAINTED & Fraudulent “Confirmations”
& CORRUPT GOP Senators

1 Settled Law: Roe v. Wade STRUCK DOWN w/No Hearing, No Logic, No Decision


39 69

In GOP We Trust. The piercing brutality of this visual satire is only matched by the actual brutality of the GOP.

223 431


and do what he’s done

He’s a billion times better

than the—evil orange—bum

He—inherited a—mess from the—dumb—former guy

The GOP knows it…but they’re—corrupt so they—lie

8 15

But there's no vaccine for cultavirus and stubbornavirus that spread all over GOP! Remember Gohmert?!

0 1

There is no number too great for DeSantis and many other GOP officials/lawmakers.

222 701

No room for moderates in Tennessee’s Republican Party: Though few are willing to say so publicly, some members of the GOP admit their party is too focused on right-wing wedge issues.

3 1

CNN’s Jim Acosta said that people should not have to die so the GOP can “own the libs” and suggested that COVID variants be named after Republican governors.

563 1557

hi Bill - was thinking that you might resonate with this. Short comics essay / webcomic I wrote & drew; my reflections on the nature of evil, Trump, the GOP, and Alan Moore's Swamp Thing. Colors by Thomas Gryphon At

2 1

Another Trump essay - except this one has a twist. An Alan Moore Swamp Thing twist, to be exact: at . Colors by cc:

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