1805 Oct 13: Japanese doctor Hanaoka Seishu performed his first breast cancer operation with "tsusensan" as an oral general anesthetic. He did dozens more https://t.co/sNzEnhxbXy

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1996 Oct 12: Obstetric anesthesia & public health pioneer Robert A. Hingson died https://t.co/9sSHXz0Ed8

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Desplein, a doctor of medicine, is a character from Honoré de Balzac's "Comédie humaine". It was created after the surgeon Guillaume Dupuytren (1777-1835).
He is a famous surgeon at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris and the professor of Horace Bianchon.

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Jacques F. A. Pierre Miller (born in 1931) is famous for having discovered the function of the and for the identification, in mammalian species of the two major subsets of lymphocytes (T cells and B cells) and their function.

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1835 Oct 2: Japanese doctor Hanaoka Seishu died. Used anesthetic "tsusensan" in 150+ breast cancer surgeries https://t.co/sNzEnhxbXy

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October is These images, from the American Society for the Control of Cancer's Bulletins from Apr. 1938 and Feb. 1939, were intended to increase awareness and knowledge of the battle against cancer

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1846 Sept 30: William T.G. Morton anesthetized Eben Frost & removed a tooth days ahead of Ether Day at MGH on Oct 16 https://t.co/yIAfTsNkxY

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Published circa 1900, this home medical aid compiled by H. Muller is an example of the popular early medical works devoted to the promotion of health, hygiene, and happiness in the home.

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1792 Sept 27: The fabulous British illustrator & caricaturist George Cruikshank was born. He died in 1878. Two of his medical works are "Headache" & "The Colic" https://t.co/psjYlMifc4

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Today's Vintage Book Cover: Read more about the many Cherry Ames novels etc at https://t.co/JUnAXpPIbp

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1852 Sept 23: Surgeon William Halsted born https://t.co/sde8DDbkqF Helped develop local anesthesia w/cocaine in the 1880’s among many other achievements

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Great for UHLG to have these first edition hand-coloured lithographs drawings by Joseph Maclice. Not many surgical dept would have these luxury education illustrations in 1851 to accompany their Quain's Anatomy text book.

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Sunday Patent Medicine Calendar: The Antikamnia Chemical Co did some wonderfully macabre calendars for several years https://t.co/pbTczG8i6F

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Surgeon and dermatologist Erasmus Wilson's The anatomist's vade mecum: A system of human (this ed. is from 1842) included extremely detailed illustrations of different body parts

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1846 Sept 7: Gilbert Abbott met with surgeon John Collins Warren in Boston about his neck tumor; the Oct 16 surgery now known as Ether Day https://t.co/HI1kmdKSmC

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1922 Sept 7: Surgeon William Halsted died. In 1884 he was one of the first Americans to research cocaine for local anesthesia https://t.co/sde8DDbkqF

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Today's Vintage Book Cover: Her sister marries the man she loves https://t.co/dxVRymHPZY Published in 1965

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The anatomist and surgeon Guido Guidi the Elder (Vidius Vidi) was born in Florence in 1507. The name of the Guidi is linked to the channel which from him takes the name of 'Vidian' and which is found in the sphenoid (pterygoid canal).

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