Dropping those masterpieces here from Strong and fun community, art by WORLDWIDE famous artists, top5 on OS. 1/1 piece sold for 23 ETH!!

7 12

Lots of ducks to sweep at . Art made by top10 WORDWIDE famous graffiti artists... 1/1 Snoop Dog piece sold for 23 ETH, WTF⁉️🦆

3 4

Amazing art by WORDWIDE famous artists, utility and awesome community. Sold out in 40min, hit top5 on OS 🦆 1/1 piece sold for 23ETH, WTF⁉️🦆

1 1

thought and power

https://t.co/eofk706QVT より

7 17

The are taking over! AMA LIVE NOW!
> WORDWIDE famous graffiti artists
> 1/1 piece of Snoop Dog sold for 23ETH..


14 18

My fav ones are still not revealed yet, but they will in the future... They are WORLDWIDE famous graffiti artists from

3 4

Ppl have been collecting a LOT of ducks lately too... Like this 1/1 piece of Snoop Dog that went for 23ETH! 🧹🔥🦆

5 7

Come on, it's quite obvious that we're waaaaaay louder than others! Let's quacking go!!!🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆

3 3

🚨 is a collection of 1/1 on the $eth blockchain. Each grants access to a members only collection free to mint.


Thanks for the support!

11 17

Who would want to miss out on those dope pieces made by WORLDWIDE graffiti and digital artists? The names reveal will hit CT HARD!

1 1