Why buy a Digital Collectible from the Collection?

Well, has been an artist for his entire life and he learned about the $Eth Blockchain before minting anything. KRA was deployed on the Ethereum chain in April using 🧵

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no new sneak peeks of until its sold out, secondary is poppin too.


2 5

no new mints until is all sold out, you can earn a free KRA nft by gifting one or by reaching level 10 in the discord.

Discord: https://t.co/DovOWlxjd2


Thank you for the love and support!

*no sneak peeks either

10 19

👑👑👑#kingsruleall 👑👑👑

Floor: 0.023 ($35.39) + gas
ERC-721 Smart Contract
Original Artwork
Free Claims

Thanks for your Support!!!!

17 27

Someone tried to hackle me while I was shilling saying did I have documentation to do graffiti. You mean documentation from the same government that didn't convict the women that lied on Emit Till, saying he did something that didn't. No, I don't have papers.

0 6

has a wide range of styles, mutations, AI, collabs, Traits, free claims and ambition.

🛖 Floor 0.002 $Eth
🗳️ DAO
💿 Holder's Only Discord
📜ERC-721 Smart Contract

https://t.co/RJ1zveEyY2 via

4 8


We have 32 available for purchase starting at 0.002

Collabs starting at 0.035

DAO is live holders can vote

Free Mintable Claims for holders

Discord for holders only

Thanks for your support!


13 17

🚨 Give a to someone you will receive a new NFT.

Post a screenshot of transfer below and tag the person.


4 4

gm fam. and teamed up to create this free-to-claim treasure. check out their work; you won't be disappointed 🔥💯

6 12

🚨 is a collection of 1/1 on the $eth blockchain. Each grants access to a members only collection free to mint.


Thanks for the support!

11 17

x Lil Nikki your nfts Metadata will evolve! When you own both!

Link in bio

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