“Color is the place where our brain and the universe meet.”

—Paul Klee, born in 1879

See six works in Modern Art: https://t.co/MwJquOVizs


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"Stay" (chibi version)

Just like to remind you guys, Stay already have 1M likes but still struggling to have 100M views. Keep streaming "Stay" fellow blinks! Okay, that's all 😊 ppoong!

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"My artistic direction can be called “unreal landscape” with elements of symbolism, fantasy, and romanticism," Bekir Smolski.

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“Visitors are really in for a treat” says curator Edouard Kopp of our installation of Dutch drawings https://t.co/NJP5NH0UHp

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"Painting is a silent act. My work is lyrical, and it allows me to express my internal conflicts," Philippe Thélin. His work is

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[#KONVIEW NOTICE] Mass streaming for 2nd anniversary D-23 started

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Caroline Degroiselle says that in her paintings “the color creates the subject.” Her artworks are now at the gallery.

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The art of Maribel Matthews pays homage to the ever-abounding good in life that is lived but often unseen. now at the gallery.

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"My paintings reflect on the conflicts of the human mind with its deepest fears." The artwork of Ricardo Vivanco is now

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Embrace the air of mystery created by Marina Sutter’s paintings, and focus on “the details in the human dialogue”.

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“Painting is another word for feeling without the limitation of words”, says Cindy Parsley.

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London View - selected paintings & drawings by over on our Instagram today: https://t.co/KNeFobTQBb

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are distinguished by exaggerated poses & musculature of figures. A must-see, these are

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TT 100,000,000 VIEWS
대단해 너네 정말로
너희이기에 가능했던 거야

46 103

Trees, sand, and ice freeze in time under the tight strokes of Bekir Smolski’s brush. until December 23rd https://t.co/DcLwOnmagR

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Agora-represented artist Robert Ellison just won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, AND 4th place American Art Awards! He'll be at Agora 1/21-2/10 2017!

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[#KONVIEW NOTICE] We'll have another mass streaming for to reach 4 Million views! 😀

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