Over half of paintings depicted ballet dancers, and, lucky for you, we have one of his famous ballerinas Consider this an invite to glide over to our ongoing & exhibition today.

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In Édouard Manet’s "Steamboat Leaving Boulogne," a side-wheel packet steamer heads up the channel, leaving slower sailing boats in its wake.

See this boldly brushed and almost calligraphic canvas among ten works by Manet


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Born in 1880—The first American painter to experiment with pure abstraction, Arthur Dove dispensed with representational subjects, creating patterns, rhythms, and color harmonies in order to communicate through form and color alone.

See five works

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Born in 1830—Camille Pissarro's interest in painting was driven in part by his egalitarian political beliefs. His paintings of peasants working in fields reflected his belief in the essential dignity of the laboring class.

See eight paintings by Pissarro

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"Painting is a silent act. My work is lyrical, and it allows me to express my internal conflicts," Philippe Thélin. His work is

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"My paintings reflect on the conflicts of the human mind with its deepest fears." The artwork of Ricardo Vivanco is now

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“Painting is another word for feeling without the limitation of words”, says Cindy Parsley.

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