Les Orcs. Jusqu’à maintenant l’une des plus grandes réussites de la série.

145 1568

Who's enjoying Rings of Power? I know I am :) 🧝‍♀️

19 112

"He gathered again under his government all the evil things of the days of Morgoth that remained on earth or beneath it, and the Orcs were at his command and multiplied like flies."

23 275

Beautiful concept art from Episode 4.

Incredible to see how that shot of the orcs chasing Arondir went from concept to execution.

67 523

Fanart de la Queen Galadriel ! Parce qu'il y a une tempête en elle !

42 253

rings of power is so bangin' ep 4 was such great time!!!

37 162

Que semanas para ser amantes de la fantasía.
Menudo regalo nos están dando.
Que nadie nos quite el placer de disfrutar de un momento histórico 😍😍.

64 435

I love the way this shot of Adar is framed. The light piercing through the canvas but not touching him.

78 641

The opening scene was masterfully done, so terrifying and it felt like you were actually there

86 741

Art appreciation day

Mes deux travaux les plus récents sur l'univers ✨
Alors vous kiffez bien la série ?

28 198

The choice to mirror these shots in Míriel and Galadriel's visions was a great way of showing how the Palantíri work.

153 847

Time to start showing some of my wife’s art work:
series! I think if we both like she will start drawing some of those characters!

2 5