Galadriel with Nenya, Ring of Adamant

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Galadriel in ocarina of time wind waker twilight Princess and skyward sword

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The element of water is something that surrounds Galadriel. It is her Nenya ring, in her mirror, in the river Celebrant that runs through Lothlórien, and even in the color of her eyes, blue as the seas Ulmo rules.

Week 5: Water–Tuesday 28/03/23

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I really like Galadriel in this

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"the tides of fate are flowing"
storyboard of galadriel and halbrand

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also animated lotr galadriel this was iconic

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desenhar no tablet é um pesadelo dps de anos acostumado com o computador, fiz a Galadriel

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Today's Lord of the Rings study, reminiscing over a lock of Galadriel's hair

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This photo gave me Haladriel vibes and no I won’t explain why.
Though Halbrand definitely just declared that he could do a better job of braiding Galadriel’s hair.

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