画質 高画質


Species: Friend
Romanised Name: Sēbaru
Voiced By: ???
Japanese Name: セーバル
Status: Unknown*

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Barbary Lion

Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Conservation Status: Extinct in the Wild
Romanised Name: Bābariraion
Scientific Name: Panthera leo leo
Distribution: North Africa
Japanese Name: バーバリライオン
Diet: Carnivore

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King Penguin

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 26 years
Distribution: Unknown
Romanised Name: Kingupengin
Scientific Name: Aptenodytes patagonicus
Diet: Piscivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: キングペンギン

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Average Lifespan in the Wild: 70 years
Distribution: Unknown
Japanese Name: ジュゴン
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Diet: Herbivore
Romanised Name: Jugon
Scientific Name: Dugong dugon

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Holidays in Transilvania (Romania) - Dreamlike

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Paleo Fact!

Hatzegopteryx (Hațeg Wing) is an azhdarchid from Late Cretaceous Romania! At a height of around 18 feet tall and a wingspan of 33 to 39 feet long, making it one of the largest known pterosaurs and far larger than most fauna of Hateg Island- (1/2)

Art by Mark Witton!

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Cape Lion

Romanised Name: Kēpuraion
Diet: Carnivore
Scientific Name: Panthera leo melanochaitus
Japanese Name: ケープライオン
Average Lifespan in the Wild: N/A
Conservation Status: Extinct
Distribution: South Africa

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Raccoon Dog

Scientific Name: Nyctereutes procyonoides
Diet: Omnivore
Romanised Name: tanuki
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Also known as: Tanuki
Distribution: East Asia
Japanese Name: タヌキ

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Crested Porcupine

Diet: Herbivore
Japanese Name: アフリカタテガミヤマアラシ
Scientific Name: Hystrix cristata
Also known as: African Porcupine
Distribution: Italy, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
Romanised Name: Afurika Tategami Yamaarashi

4 14

Tamamo No-Mae has kidnapped Tawara Touta and it's up to Romani Archaman and Shinji Matou to save them!

3 13


Distribution: Southeast Asia
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10-25 years
Diet: Omnivore
Japanese Name: ビントロング
Also known as: Bearcat
Scientific Name: Arctictis binturong
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Romanised Name: Bintorongu

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Brown Greater Galago

Scientific Name: Otolemur crassicaudatus
Also known as: Thick-Tailed Bushbaby
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Diet: Insectivore
Japanese Name: オオガラゴ
Romanised Name: Ōgarago
Distribution: Africa
Conservation Status: Least Concern

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GRAPPLER BUNNY (Redesign and Alt. Costume)

Andrea Dumitrescu is one of the most renowned grapplers in AC and a very famous Session Wrestler from Romania. Very lethal at mat wrestling.
Do you think Bunny deserve a donation? Do it here! https://t.co/GtN3w5pRoi

made by

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So.... i drew Bad and Skeppy doing a Romanian tradition

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The story of Jean David, a & artist, is about survival, vocation & the importance of art. Throughout his life he had many around the world & was influenced by many art trends, from to

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Komodo Dragon

Scientific Name: Varanus komodoensis
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Japanese Name: コモドドラゴン
Romanised Name: Komodo doragon
Also known as: Komodo monitor, ora (land crocodile)
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 30 years
Distribution: Indonesia

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For my favourite I have to go with Ignatius! I love my flamboyant, pyromaniac boy so much. He's the "prince" of the flame and he expects you to treat him as such!

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Visit our temporary to discover some of József Klein. Klein is one of the most emblematic of the & is considered to be a representative of the & group.

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