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Rita Hayworth as Doña Sol in Blood and Sand, “bullfighting” Tyrone Power. Can’t get more glamorous than that, right?
#ritahayworth #bloodandsand #tyronepower #roubenmamoulian #OldHollywood #glamour #bullfighting #spain #vicenteblascoibañez #fanart #alejandromogolloart
The Backyardigans teen debate continues. Tyrone is obviously a jock...what about the rest?
OTD 1595 As Bagenal marched to Monaghan, Tyrone attacked at Crossdall. 800 Irish shot fell on the column but Capt Cuney drew 150 to hold the Irish back. The fight raged for 4 hours as the English passed through. Irish fire slackened enabling Cuney to break contact #nineyearswar
In the Ultimate universe, Tyrone Cash (Dr. Leonard Williams) was the first person to turn into Hulk.
He has superhuman strength, stamina and durability, and a healing factor which are similar to those abilities possessed by the Hulk.
Tyrone also possesses genius-level intellect.
Mama Charlie! #Charlie #HazbinHotel prince Tyler and prince Tyrone. #FanKids
Ayah convincing Ace to do a magic trick for twins princes Tyler and Tyrone, and succeeding! father like daughter I guess. lol #HazbinHotel
OTD 1593 Failure to cooperate with Tyrone = consequences . Phelim MacTurlough O'Neill, lord of Killetra talked with Tyrone at Toome, but the meeting didn't go well ''God's defiance to you till nightfall' said Tyrone leaving, minutes later Phelim was hacked to pieces #nineyearswar
...never leaves a job unfinished.
The issue's ending and epilogue focus tightly on Tyrone and Tandy, now having fully resumed their superhero identities as Cloak and Dagger.
They're again offered a home at the Xavier Institute, but demur and insist that their role...
...to draw both the light and darkness from the two youngest members of the New Mutants.
Tyrone faces the darkness–his fear–and overcomes it, allowing Rogue to purge the malefic spirit from within Bobby.
Much as Illyana was overpowered trying to contain the dueling forces...
...to exploiting children to serve his ends–a history that shades his moment of vulnerability with Ty and leaves it feeling disingenuous.
As heroic as it is that Tyrone ultimately relents to resume the Cloak persona, it isn't without tragedy that the only solution for healing...
OTD 1596 As Tyrone's pardon is passed by the great seal of Ireland, a report suggest all is not what it seems. Claims that the peace was treacherously used by the Irish to gain time. New troops were raised and Irish get 'all such necessaries..as power and munitions' #nineyearswar
OTD 1601 Q. Elizabeth complained Tyrone received more arms & munitions from Scotland than Spain. This was true as Irish received regular shipments from Glasgow. James VI turned a blind eye until his succession to English throne was in the bag in 1602-then he turned off the taps
The Flute Player. 26”x36”. Hand embellished canvas print. #tinneys #strabane #lifford #northernireland #irishart #irishartist #sculpture #publicart #tyrone #flute #fluteplayer #music #band #dance #art #mixedmedia #interior #decor #colour #artforsale #moon
OTD 1596 News of Spanish in Killybegs brought to Newry by Anne Willmar [Welsh woman], handmaid to Mabel Bagenal before her death. After spending 5 years at the heart of Tyrone's lordship she later suggested Queen would be willing to pay £10k for her info on Tyrone #nineyearswar
OTD 1598 Geffrey Fenton calls to block shipments of arms to Tyrone from Scotland 'great quantities of powder and other provisions for him and O'Donnell...considering the King's former favourable dealings with Tyrone, cannot but think the King is a secret supporter' #nineyearswar
Featured Art of the Day: "Brothers (Ft. Tyrone and Tomu)". Buy it at: https://t.co/5o4trrBerS