Valkyrie Saviors 3 Kickstarter ends in 2 days! 27 stretch goal rewards unlocked! Featured art from the "Valkyrie Saviors Making of Art Book" with "Iris is Here" cover by SHIK!

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One more work with Suvarna from ! I really like this character!

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Phase 2 continues! Flames of School Girl Diana tier is now available! Actual cover is VIRGIN and comes with the regular "Flames of Diana" cover too PLUS a bonus book revealed at Phase 3!

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Phase 2 is LIVE! New Flight of Larissa Evolving Tier! "Flight of School Girl Larissa" Virgin cover! And we have a new add on in the add on section, "Wonderland Terra Set!" Art by Nguyen!

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We are closing in on 13K and just passed 200 backers!! Stretch goals coming later today! Please pledge and share! Featured Collectors Edition tier exclusive "Larissa on Watch!" by Kyu Yong Eom!

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The pre launch page is HERE! Click notify to find out when we go live, link in the profile! Featured Collectors Edition Top Tier cover by Kyu Yong Eom! Launching Tuesday Jan 28th 8PM MST!

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Valkyrie Saviors 3 Kickstarter is coming later this month! Featured art by Kael Ngu​! Join our mailing list to find out when it launches, link in the comments!

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Soon... Find out what happened before Patriotika landed on that beach in Patriotika Cover art by Allan Otero!

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When you have an audition for a romantic role in a play and you walk into auditions and are taller than everyone there (men and women alike)—you can basically kiss that role goodbye 🤣

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One last exclusive for the Summer Homage weekend, non homage this time! The new set of Royal Flush covers begins, Patriotika Ten of Diamonds by Elias Chatzoudis! Featuring Collateral Dee!

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