немножко набросков моих тесовских мальчиков
альтмер Шенту и дамер Фаренсис
ничего не могу с собой поделать и данмер выходит слишком женственным :х

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Got caught up in offline stuff, but how could I forget dear rat boy...

Witches Festival marks a year of playing for me, and furthermore a year since my ridiculous golden was made! So, heres a celebratory doodle of the mer himself. 🎉

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Axylia’s Family Issues

As a little girl living with the High Elven Royal Family, she automatically felt like an outsider. She couldn’t explain why, but deep down she knew that she wasn’t what her mother told her she was. An Altmer Pure Blood. She could tell by looking at herself

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I am SO SORRY for never finishing the collab we started!! What a waste of a good Volnarto ... as though Volnarto isn't always fabulous. Any Vol is good Vol.

Anyway, this was as far as I got with my dirtbags before we ran out of steam

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LONG TIME NO SEE. Presenting my graduate project tomorrow, and then I'll (almost) be free!😅

In the mean time, heres a several-month old shitpost ft. my Nurrynil & Tandrilian!

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A fullbody commission of an Altmer for Milksweed! She was a blast to paint and I loved doing her hair.

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I’ve been reblogging fashion on my insp blog and realized I love gold on dresses. I’ll definitely need to keep a pot of gold paint around this Inktober.

Process: https://t.co/SNKYQVjORm

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Some more older art of mine... themed this time! My Dunmer toons from ESO (Velihran and his sister Venaynea), my Altmer vampire lord Nercano, all the Big Bads from my ES Tabletop, and Al my Nord DB reimagined as a Warden from ESO.

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My altmer Belatry💛🐱.Good sunny boy, loves khajiit.

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i did quick sketch of my new Skyrim character (yes another one.................................................) because i have skyrim special edition and i can mod it on ps4 so its cool
SO i have a new boy, he is an Altmer/Argonian mix and he likes to pickpocke

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first pair of my newest commissions, one pretty-boy altmer and one vampire/necromancer/all around disaster altmer.

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named the new altmer girl valta! she’s very tall and lanky, but also surprisingly strong. she likes to pick up short people, especially tiny bosmer, like the dragonborn for example

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