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See you soon!
Time runs differently for children. An hour could seems like a day. And a day could seem like forever.

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A Moon mermaid 🧜‍♀️ 🌙

First in a while, it feels good to be back and I can’t wait to see what everyone has come up with for this gorgeous colour combination.

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Farm girl 🌿

I've always perfered living in the country side and rural tiny towns any day over being in a city. Small towns are the places I always find true happiness! ❤️

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Buying cleaning gloves was honestly the best thing I ever did for myself 👀

From: ‘Do kids have chores in Timbuktu?’ written by Jamie Moessing.

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Penelope and Tobby love to explore and find the prettiest flowers. 🧡🌿Just finished working on this illustration. I love watercolor so much! 🥰

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