Uhhhh Secco. Also! Small Secco and Cioccolata!

I've been loving these two sick fucks for a day, and honestly? I love these rabid boys. I also remember seeing a tweet about Cioccolata basically being Secco's sugar daddy. Been thinkin about that.

2 7

Nuevo dibujo
Tiramisú Cioccolata
La fiel compañera de Elmi en el libro que escribo

2 15

🥚🐰 Ormai è tradizione farvi gli auguri di Pasqua con le pin-up di ! Questa volta non poteva che toccare a Shake da Phobia! Sperando che almeno voi apriate l'uovo di cioccolata con più delicatezza vi auguriamo una felicissima Pasqua! 🥚🐰

1 1

As promised, here's the Unravel Cioccolata Pic!
❗️heads up for Blood & Gore❗️
Follow the link at your own risk, please! It's not much worse than canon-typical gore but just to be safe!


Doc took the stitches out~ 🍫

306 1474

Doctor Cioccolata's mushroom hair 🍫
Do you have a favourite? 😊

354 2141

You are challenged by Doctor Cioccolata and Trainer Secco!

26 106

𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒐𝒊 𝒅𝒖 𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐 𝑱𝒐𝒋𝒐


Vous devez voter pour celui que vous détestez le plus, il reste :

Dario Brando
J. Geil
Vanilla Ice

13 10

Cioccolataa said 'got ur nose' hehe u god dang whore u fr*cking bicth

1 8

nah man I’m broke as hell 😔 anyways stan cioccolata lov u 😘

0 4

It's so fucking funny to me that they gave Cioccolata a regular looking doctor's outfit in the anime for the flashback where he's still working as a professional, but didn't change shit about his hair

220 2063

Come vorrei...Essere sfiorata da quelle grandi mani. Sentire il suo calore in ogni parte di me. Essere accarezzata in tutto il corpo. Vorrei...che mi penetrasse, rimescolandomi con forza. Come si mescola la cioccolata calda con il cucchiaino.
1Q84 Haruki Murakami

12 75


i didnt know someone could have a jesters cap fused to their skull but apparently you can have MULTIPLE. his hair is appalling he looks like he wants to harm me. i cant find pictures of his outfit but it sucks too, get a cohesive color scheme


2 60

Já perceberam que o Cioccolata parece o corona vírus?

Corona / Cioccolata

27 127

hi twitter i have finally drawn cioccolata poorly after ages

4 24