These are characters I made up for a story about a time when civilization lives in mega cities and space colonies,and the land between the mega cities is lawless and run by warlords and clans. Proxy war between the cities takes place in these wastelands.Cybernetic Tech is tested

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Concept art of a first generation spacecraft, used by the Lysgopians in the 1920s to establish extra-terrestrial colonies.

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These arent my fav pieces so to speak as they are concept sketches. But I loved my own imagination when I was in high school when these were drawn. I wanted to do a graphic novel of this world about civilization existing in mega cities and space colonies-and tribes in between.

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Lieutenant Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza by Gary Anderson

Follow - preserving the history of the 12 Colonies

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A new life awaits you on the off world colonies! A chance to begin again a golden land of opportunity and and adventure!

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How do we talk about the role of geology in the exploitation of colonised lands. It's not a coincidence that places that are rich in mineral resources but poor in quality of live for indigenous folks were colonies.

Geology & Imperialism worked hand in hand to boost each other.

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🌼 Flore pittoresque et médicale des Antilles, ou, Histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies françaises, anglaises, espagnoles, et portugaises /.
Paris: Ches l'Editeur, 1833.

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Le 27 avril 1848, le gouvernement de la République française publie un décret par lequel il abolit l'esclavage dans les colonies françaises.

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15 April 1783
Continental Congress of the United States officially ratified the preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain signed in November 1782. Independence is won. But the last British trops would not leave the 13 colonies until late the next year.

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Here she is confronted with the reality of life in the colonies, and it’s nothing like what she’s been told

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In revamping their sprite I fully embraced that Kai's default expression is a sneer, and their causal outfit is a sweatpants monstrosity. Layers are important on old colonies

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Commemorative Print presented to Nawab Salar Jung prob for participation or support to the Colonial & Indian Exhibition London 1886. Queen seated on lion handled chair with other women representing colonies. pic

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bunnies (aka chabbits, skvaders, or boultry) are GMO designer pets turned practical livestock from RttS. Each breed has a distinct egg color! They are popular choice for small spacer colonies, since they're quiet and produce eggs and meat on a completely vegetarian diet.

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This sums up nicely WHO's Tedros behavior towards Taiwan and the world. Time to resign. WHO lost all of its credibility in the eyes of the world (except some African CCP colonies)

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How is that an insult? Rodents are very smart and innovative creatures who live peacefully with their colonies and aren't likely to aggressive as much as other species. Plus they make cute fursonas!

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i didnt get too much into destiny but a lot of my settings are based on it, namely the Europa and Enceladus colonies are heavily based on the scrapped concept art (albeit they're not abandoned, it's just not worth maintaining the exteriors)

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Greek colonies in the ancient Mediterranean. Massalia in southern France was an incredibly significant entity that I covered in episode 8 of the podcast.

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worm colonies in suits of junkpunk armour?

Holy shit.

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Spending more time outside? You may notice HUGE flying around. These are likely to be recently emerged queens, looking for nesting sites to start new colonies. Their life-cycle is fascinating, and beautifully explained by here...

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A redraw I promised on Instagram.
These are the colonies flags of Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. Kinda.

El redraw que prometi en Instagram de los bebes como colonias.

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