エデレス edeleth

131 707

"I love you. With everything I am."

It's finished🥺❤ I had sooo much fun doing this!! Ughh byleth looking amazing as always😍💕 I miss her🥺

25 101







86 257

"i live life with no fear, except for the idea that one day you won't be here."

29 130

"if i'd had someone like you around, i might've made the right decision in the first place."

42 119

Edelgard: My Teacher, are you okay?💦

103 434

Due to some things in few3h being more obvious than in fe3h I’m once again thinking about my favorite angst potential unrequited crush train 💔
(however in my world it would end up being edeleth and ferdibert. Even tho I DO like edelbert 👉👈)

2 40

Fr tho, I can't imagine the life of a hard-core Edeleth stan, insisting its this meant-to-be ship, meanwhile Heroes only pairs both Byleths with the dragon folk 💀💀💀💀

1 26

edelgard and byleth are my loves

52 176

This is my first time playing musou games but let’s go BEagles 🖤🦅
HBD Edelgard 06/22

On a sad note:
Rest in piece Billy Kametz, Ferdinand won’t be the same without your voice.

21 96


817 4455

I invited you to watch the stars... but you were the star I couldn't stop watching.

[ claudeleth / クロレス / fe3h ]

16 45

Happy Birthday Edelgard!!❤️🖤 some of my art, I hope theyre happy celebrating her day🥹❤️🖤

106 376


684 3590

Happy birthday my emperor💕
Wishing you happiness and a chance to come back to meet your beloved teacher in 3 hopes.

83 259