Third grade made binary bracelets representing their initials after reading a biography about software engineer Margaret Hamilton

21 94

Desch's LD, yay! 🎉 Now I need his 35 and EX (hoping to get also Shantotto's Burst)

0 2

📚 On soutient sur : la revue de littérature étrangère illustrée, Graminées. Parce qu'il y a des dessins de Camille Deschiens ⬇️, d'Amélie Patin ⬇️, le graphisme de Mathilde Dubois et parce que, parfois, il nous arrive de lire aussi.


0 2

wanted to do a new portrait of deschia... maybe more guild wars kids to come? (drawing is hard)

1 5

Per noi piloti inglesi della RAF furono un vero e proprio tormento.
Nemmeno i tedeschi riuscirono a crearci così tanti problemi.
Tutto ad un tratto i nostri apparati di navigazione smettevano di funzionare, le bussole impazzivano e diventava difficile governare l’aereo.

108 387

Project 77 Concept Art 1 by Martin Deschambault via /r/ImaginaryStarships

2 5

"If I weren't an artist, it's obvious that I'll be a culinary critic, to be paid to go to the
restaurant." -Camille Deschiens

0 2

Restammo poco ad Auschwitz.
I tedeschi dovevano svuotare il campo e scappare prima dell’arrivo delle truppe sovietiche.
“Maledetti ebrei, è finita per noi, ma ci farete compagnia” ci urlavano.
Molti di noi morirono durante la marcia.

57 334

Mit etwas Glück habt ihr die Chance ein Maskottchenmodell von (Fenix🦊) zu gewinnen! 😎

Hop hop, ihr wisst wie es läuft:

Viel Spaß🤞🏻

Einsendeschluss: 01.11.2019 um 23:59 Uhr

11 63

Results of my recent Halloween YCH for of Deschen <3 Man I wanna do more of these :D

2 15

Cibarie Leonardesche - A Roma, insieme a 25 artisti contemporanei per la mostra curata da Beth Vermeer. Il mio contributo per il "drappellone" in digital watercolor.

0 2

Thanks for

0 4

Viking Castle by Martin Deschambault via /r/ImaginaryLandscapes

17 32

Parents, family members & children of all ages joined
of Central Oregon for a guided hike to Tumalo Falls on the Deschutes National Forest. Great outdoors, company & times had by all! Where will you have your next adventure?

10 36